
  • Аlla Hotsaliuk
  • Kateryna Gamaliia
  • Olha Shkolna



office space, design, agile office, smart office, service office, managed office, incubator, accelerator, coworking space.


The article is devoted to the consideration of innovative types of organization of workspaces (agile office and smart office) and the identification of the features of their design solutions according to formats (service offices, managed offices, incubators, accelerators; coworking spaces). The purpose of the article is to reveal the design features of agile offices and smart offices as office spaces of a new type. Research methodology. The study is based on a cognitive approach to the design of offices of a new type, which allows to highlight its main essential characteristics and principles, to reveal its role in the context of a new philosophy of office activity, changing stereotypes of consciousness and behavior. The method of comparative analysis was applied, which made it possible to identify common and distinctive features of new types of organization of workspaces and, accordingly, design approaches to their planning; descriptive method, general scientific methods of system analysis and synthesis, as well as elements of cultural analysis. The scientific novelty is justified by the purpose of the article: the features of the design of agile offices and smart offices as office spaces of a new type, as well as common and distinctive design approaches according to their formats (service offices, managed offices, incubators, accelerators; co-working spaces) are investigated in the domestic science for the first time. The conducted research substantiates and scientifically formalizes the practice of creating agile office and smart office design, fills the gaps in research in the field of design of innovative types of workspace organization. Results. Common to innovative types of workspace organization, agile office and smart office, is a total approach, which simultaneously integrates three dimensions: spatial, technological and cultural. The premises of the agile office are transformed for a variety of functions, from typical office to social-recreational and entertainment. This format significantly reduces the area of the rented premises and gives employees the opportunity to exchange more information and devote less time to routine work and meetings, thanks to which a comfortable working environment is created. The functional structure of smart offices provides ample opportunities for a more significant transformation of elements of its filling and planning, while much attention is paid to the decision of areas for interaction between employees, with the aim of enhancing the quality of work and creating conditions for a more productive organization of the work process. The design principle of an agile office and a smart office is to create conditions for a work order that is based on activities that combine and group various types of activities, including individual offices, team tables, lounge areas, quiet areas, comfort rooms, meeting rooms and meeting rooms, as well as various types of open workplace spaces. Conclusions. The study found that almost all intermediate spaces in the formats of service offices, managed offices, incubators, accelerators and co-working spaces are informal lounge areas, shared spaces that facilitate work. In the process of developing the design of agile offices and smart offices, it is necessary to adhere to international standards of air, water, food, light, movement, thermal comfort, sound, materials and communication quality control. The choice of colors, elements of nature and greenery, access to views, spaces for various activities, the possibilities of personalizing the space or the aesthetics of the office landscape are no less important aspects of influence. Interior design choices can affect employee productivity and happiness, and office landscapes with plants have been linked to reduced stress and fatigue.


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How to Cite

Hotsaliuk А. А., Gamaliia К. М., & Shkolna О. В. (2022). DESIGN OF OFFICE SPACES OF A NEW TYPE. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (3), 15–22.


