


textile, art textile, design, art, expressive means, exhibition, exposition, technology


The article reflects the main stages of the formation of design in the field of textiles. It is analyzed the current state of development of textile art, marked features of modern techniques and genres, given examples of textile art and design in some regions of Ukraine, outlined the lack of professional analysis of modern techniques and means of creating modern textile design products. It is shown that the emergence of design as a special type of design and artistic activity is associated with the final stage of the first industrial revolution in the late 19th century. The division of work, which emerged later, led to the creation of manufactories, which were replaced by the machine production of weaving factories. Making textiles from artisanal craft production turned into a special kind of art and design activity and, accordingly, a textile designer, new profession, began to form. It is shown that in the 90's of the twentieth century there was a change of principles of shaping. The main distinguishing feature of the works of textile design from the works of arts and crafts is a systematic approach to the created thing, namely: a scientific approach to the design; innovative shaping; interaction with the space; the use of new technologies and materials; expanding the palette of artistic and technological means, which allow you to combine them multivariably to get new original solutions; artistic simulation of the object environment in conventional forms and materials (layouts, sketches, experimental search for form); improving the quality of the product. The focus on creating a harmonious object-spatial environment at the end of the twentieth century has intensified the efforts of artists of all kinds and genres of art. It was found that the sphere of artistic design of textile products, the selection of pattern and coloring, for the fabric of the appropriate texture, as well as the issue of perception of the artistic image of these works of textile design as a holistic system, have been insufficiently studied. The expressive means of artistic textile of the XXI century increasingly attract the attention of contemporary artists. Modern genre diversity of works covers all levels: thematic, formational, ornamental, technological and embodies the idea of self-sufficiency of artistic creativity in textiles. The works are full of deep emotionality and extreme figurative expressiveness, which makes it possible to integrate into the European environment.


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How to Cite

Yakovets’ І. О., & Chuhai Н. М. (2022). UKRAINIAN TEXTILES AS AN INTEGRAL PART OF MODERN DESIGN: EVOLUTION, PERSPECTIVES. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (1), 52–58.


