
  • Viktor Karpov



art history, collecting, expertise, training of an expert art historian, educational space, National Academy of Culture and Arts Managers.


The study of the professional training of experts in the field of art and collecting is important and relevant for assessing the quality of the educational process in the context of the development of the cultural and artistic space. It is important to note that the training of experts is an innovation due to the objective circumstances of the development of society. The training of expert art historians was started at the National Academy of Managers of Culture and Arts, and over time, other institutions of higher education have adopted similar educational practices. The choice of research strategies in revealing the research topic was influenced by the circumstances of the development of Ukrainian statehood, culture and art. The principles of systemic and complex approaches, as well as historical-chronological and historiographical methods served as a scientific toolkit for studying educational innovation processes of training experts. The basis of the research is the process of formation of an art history expert educational school at the National Academy of Culture and Arts Managers. The historical-chronological method made it possible to single out a number of stages and determine the periodization of the process of training experts. The initial stage (2001–2003) is characterized by the identification of an expert’s specialty and the creation of a corresponding department. A characteristic feature of this stage is the dominance of attention on the training of an expert musicologist, which is explained by the musical qualifications of the teaching staff. In the period from 2003 to 2010, the specialty art critic-expert was approved and a competent list of educational disciplines was developed for the training of specialists. The artistic qualification of the teaching staff made it possible to develop a conceptual idea of the profession of art critic-expert. The significant influence of restoration techniques in the training of art historians-experts is noted. The dependence of the quality of training and the status of a new specialty on the stability of the teaching staff was revealed. During the reformist stage (2010–2017), the qualification of an art critic-expert changed to a jewelry art specialist. Such an innovation corresponded to the temporary conjuncture and the influence of the labor market. Subsequently, there was a return to the previous qualification and the restoration of the Department of Art Studies. This stage is characterized by negative consequences associated with a decrease in the level of educational and methodological support and the quality of education. Characterizing the source base of the research, we emphasize that a certain amount of materials, which are stored in the current archive of the National Academy of Managers of Culture and Arts, were found, sufficient to reflect the process of training experts. The historiographical analysis of the existing literature testified to the attention of scientists to the study of the problem. In the theoretical aspect, art history is divided into fundamental and applied. The scientific novelty of the obtained results can be attributed not only to the formulation and development of a topic that is relevant even today, which in the scientific dimension has received insufficient coverage, but also to the disclosure of the model of expert training, which consists in combining the fundamental approaches of academic art history with the practical skills of art historical expertise, evaluation of cultural values, determination of their value and restoration.


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How to Cite

Karpov В. В. (2022). INNOVATIVE TRENDS OF ART EDUCATION IN THE FIELD OF EXPERT TRAINING. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (4), 21–29.




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