
  • Inna Yakovets
  • Nataliia Chuhai




polyhedrons, design-projection, artistic image, form formation.


The article reflects the features of using polyhedra to create an artistic image in design, art and architecture. An analysis of the literature was conducted and it was found that until now polyhedra have not been the subject of deep scientific study. A small number of scientific publications devoted to the features of image creation in design based on polyhedra have been identified. In addition, it was noted that many samples of modern design objects stand out for their originality and attract attention precisely because of their geometric shape. It is shown that the design activity is implemented in the design process, which allows one to consistently master the main professional methods – from form styling, aesthetic modernization of things to the artistic construction of individual products, system design and design programming. Nowadays, industrial design has become a tool necessary for the development of a product concept. When designing, the designer determines the formal qualities of industrial products, which include not only the external characteristics of the product, but, above all, those structural and functional relationships that transform the product into a single entity. It is shown that industrial products form the material environment that surrounds a person and affects him on a daily basis. Products, depending on their purpose, should be convenient, comfortable, contribute to aesthetic education and the formation of artistic taste All over the world, designers are busy searching for new ideas in any field of design to meet the needs of the times and create new products. Businesses and firms that produce goods are interested in an endless stream of fresh, original ideas. This determines the search for methods of activation of creative imagination or the use of new means in design activities. The design process is a search for unity of form and content. Sometimes, when solving such a problem, the application of traditional design methods does not give new interesting solutions. Designing based on polyhedrons is successfully developing in global and domestic design practice.


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How to Cite

Yakovets І. О., & Chuhai Н. М. (2022). FEATURES OF USING POLYHEDONS IN DESIGN, ART AND ARCHITECTURE. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (3), 125–132. https://doi.org/10.32782/uad.2022.3.15


