



enamel art, hot enamel technique, artistic enamel, Ukrainian art, chronotope, anthropology


The article presents the results of scientific research on the problem of development of the newest form of Ukrainian art – artistic enamel. The anthropological approach to the study and research of the history of enamel art proves the ancient historical origin of the technique of hot enamel in Ukraine and its separate development, which was introverted by other cultures. At the beginning of the XXI century, as a result of bold experimentation by artists and the introduction of creative manners and technologies from other genres of art, the technique of hot enamel has developed and acquired the characteristics of a particular art form. The analysis of the process of development of enamel art showed a tendency to expand its institutional context and the range of artists working in the technique of hot enamel. Enamellers in their works reflect the value concepts associated with the philosophical interpretation of the problem of human life and place in nature, transgressive transitions and psychological states of human behavior, use a wide range of technological innovations to depict abstract generalizations. Abstract painting is becoming one of the creative directions of the development of enamel art in its anthropological meaning. Enamel art festivals and museums are established. Art critics began to actively study and research enamel art as a phenomenon in the scientific sense. We conclude that as a result of bold experimentation by artists and the introduction of creative manners and technologies from other genres of art, the development of enamel art has acquired new forms, namely: installation and enamel plastics, embossed enameling. It is also important that the works of enamel art have become objects not only of decoration but also of collecting, and this has become possible as a result of the development of easel and monumental forms. Art enamel was established as an independent species in decorative art.


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How to Cite

Karpov В. В., & Naumov О. Г. (2022). АRT ENAMEL IN THE CHRONOTOPE OF UKRAINIAN ART. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (1), 17–30. https://doi.org/10.32782/uad.2021.1.2




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