
  • Maria Borysenko



graphics restoration, mechanical cleaning, laser, CO₂


The purpose of the article is to define and systematize the main methods and tools for dry cleaning of graphic works made on paper and to facilitate the selection of the appropriate restoration technique, depending on the amount and type of surface contamination. This type of cleaning is one of the main processes of restoration and active conservation, as well as an important stage of preservation of works of art from museum, library, archive and private collections. The development and research of its toolkit is extremely necessary, as it has great potential and significance for further progress in the restoration and conservation industry of Ukraine. Currently, a wide range of methods and means of carrying out the cleaning process is not sufficiently covered in the scientific publications of our country and is only partially mentioned at conferences in the context of restoration reports. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the introduction of a comprehensive study of the main features of dry paper cleaning methods. A comparative analysis and description of the experience of practical application of various methods for the preservation of cultural heritage objects made on a paper basis was carried out. The main principles of laser operation and cleaning of paper with carbon dioxide are considered. The effect of these methods on paper and the paint layer and the expediency of their use is determined. A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of various methods and materials for mechanical cleaning of paper was carried out, in particular: the use of Japanese brushes and felt brushes (which are currently more often used by restorers of Ukraine), rubber crumb and erasers, microfiber, latex sponges, Wishab sponges and other cleaning agents.


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How to Cite

Borysenko М. О. (2022). METHODS OF DRY CLEANING OF PAPER-BASED GRAPHICS. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (3), 6–14.


