


neuroart, neuroartistory, neuroaesthetics, art, man, brain


The aim of the article is to outline the art discourse of the transdisciplinary essence of neuroart in the human-art dichotomy. The article focuses on the study of human creative potential, which is based on a sensorimotor approach to cognition and aesthetic reflection on social and natural phenomena and the creation of a neurodynamic model of empathic images. Scientific discourse on the problem of the influence of cognitive sciences on art has shown a sincere tone of thought and judgment. The proposed scientific models of understanding the biological essence of art are divided into two general areas – neuroaesthetics and neuroart, which testifies to the development of theoretical approaches. Recent research in neuroaesthetics points to the effectiveness of what can be called a bioactive approach to aesthetic phenomena – the explanation of aesthetic judgments and emotions from the standpoint of psychology and cognitive sciences, and finally their synthesis and integration with philosophy and art and practice. The difference in neuroaesthetics of neuroart is explained by different directions to the study of cognitive abilities: neuroaesthetics as an aesthetic perception of reality, neuroart as a process and result of empatic experience in art. Its connection with the historical process of society development and the regularity of art development opens the perspective of neuroartistory – a new direction of neuroaesthetic research based on the principles of neuronal plasticity and neuronal mirror image. It has been experimentally proven that artistic experience affects the cerebral plasticity of the individual and can contribute to changes in his individual and social behavior.


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How to Cite

Karpov В. В. (2022). NEUROART AS AN AESTHETIC TRANSFORMATION OF THE WORLD OF REALITY. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (2), 16–26.




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