


minerals, stones, frame, jewelry art, jewelry, electroplating, technique, concept, art


One of the most interesting currents of modern jewelry art is the use of natural forms in mineral products – unprocessed in general or partially processed. For the most part, such techniques are used by independent artists and small jewelry workshops, while mass production of jewelry is based on established trends of equally faceted stones. The appeal to minerals of natural forms demonstrates a change in the worldview of artists – from the desire to adapt the natural material to their needs to the ability to find an artistic concept of the product that would reveal the beauty of materials without artificial interference with their shape and texture. An outburst of fascination with untreated minerals instantly engulfs jewelry artists around the world, and in different countries at the same time there are collections of jewelry, which emphasizes the beauty of natural form. Such visual concepts embody a powerful meaningful layer: the ideas of greening, awareness of the power of the elements and, at the same time, the insecurity of nature, are becoming more widespread in the civilized world. Barbaric consumption of natural resources is slowly giving way to recovery. The art of making jewelry, as one of the most common and most in demand around the world, has absorbed a kind of educational function – a demonstration of the beauty of nature in its wild, untamed state. It is worth noting that the principles of making frames have also changed and the arsenal of accompanying materials has been updated. In Western Europe and America, artists often use base metals, leather, wood, and acrylic resins for frames. Galvanic jewelry is very popular. The direction of making bead frames is becoming widespread. In Ukraine, the progress of attracting minerals of natural forms and inexpensive materials as frames began belatedly, but now it has become extremely widespread. This article offers to consider the products of domestic artists-jewelers who choose for their work unprocessed or partially processed minerals. The «VoobrazhariumM» workshop creates unique products that impress the imagination and embody the concept of the unity of the elements.


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How to Cite

Trykolenko С. Т. (2022). NATURAL FORMS OF MINERALS IN JEWELERY WORKSHOP “VOOBRAZHARIUMМ”. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (1), 46–51.


