
  • Oleksii Zhadeiko




art porcelain, clay, small plastic, sculpture, biscuit, Baranivsky porcelain factory, Horodnytsky porcelain factory, Kyiv experimental ceramics and art factory.


The article aims to highlight the main components of the creative style of the Ukrainian sculptor and porcelain artist Vladyslav Shcherbyna. The main stages of the artist’s artistic activity are covered, from the early years of work at porcelain factories (Horodnytskyi, Baranivskyi, Kyivskyi) to the later years of creative activity after leaving the Kyiv factory). A brief description of the state of the porcelain industry in the Soviet period, when the sculptor began his creative path (from 1950, which became a stage for the artist), is given, the crisis stage and the decline of the sphere are emphasized, the disappearance of the main porcelain factories of the country, which was the reason for the forced change of the vector of the artist’s activity. The factors influencing the selection of the main vectors of creative activity are emphasized. Distinctive features of the creativity of the early and mature periods, when the artist mainly worked with porcelain, are highlighted, the reasons for abandoning the main material of his life are noted, and the evolution of handwriting when moving to work with other materials is traced. The leading stages of the “porcelain period” of V. Shcherbyna are characterized, the most significant groups of works are highlighted, united thematically. The through character of the artist’s dominant storylines, which were reflected in sculpture and souvenir products, dishes, decorative plastic, and porcelain, is emphasized. Porcelain, fireclay, clay, biscuit were found to be the dominant materials of the artist. Monochromy of the majority of the master’s works is noted, a factor of the predominance of white in his porcelain, bisque (especially mature, late periods). The style-forming methods of the artist’s individual manner are indicated. The presence of both mass-produced works and those works that were almost never reproduced, which are of particular value to modern collectors, is emphasized. Iconic works of different periods are highlighted, examples of works of different thematic categories are considered.


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How to Cite

Zhadeiko О. (2022). “WHITE TALE” BY THE UKRAINIAN SCULPTOR AND PORCELAIN ARTIST VLADYSLAV SHCHERBYNA. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (5), 71–79. https://doi.org/10.32782/uad.2022.5.9


