ecological design, fashion industry, secondary use, textiles, alternative materials.Abstract
The study is devoted to the analysis of theoretical aspects of ecological design, the study of methods of secondary use of materials and things in the fashion industry, the analysis of the practical experience of designers and specialists in the textile industry regarding innovations in ecological directions. It was determined that the priority directions of the modern fashion industry are the search for ways to solve global environmental problems, the preservation of natural resources, the harmonious comparison of fashion trends and ecological approaches to their implementation. The relevance of this study is explained by the aggravation of environmental problems at this stage of the development of society, the increased attention of designers to ecological design practices in the fashion industry and, in connection with this, the need to find sustainable solutions and methods of creating an ecological design product. An analysis of the categories "upcycling" and "recycling" was performed, the features of the global trend of abandoning natural fur and leather and the production of alternative materials for the creation of clothes, shoes and accessories were determined. The latest practices of famous Ukrainian and foreign designers and their approaches and methods of secondary use of textiles and things are considered. The foreign experience of creating alternative materials from such natural raw materials as coconut and hemp fiber, winemaking waste, orange peel, marine plants, as well as the results of secondary processing of plastic to obtain a new form of textile was analyzed. Conclusions were made regarding the need for future designers to focus their efforts on cyclical design processes in the fashion industry, on the condition of finding ways to access the latest materials, introducing their own technologies for their creation in Ukraine, to overcome the contradiction between the high cost of the latest ecological materials and the urgent need to switch to their use.
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