


Oleksandr Bogomazov, views, theory, art, avant-garde, Ukrainian avant-garde.


Due to the more than half-century ban on researching the avant-garde phenomenon in Ukraine, the latter was known to a small, and even a single, cohort of scientists. Interest in artists of avant-garde art came out of the ban with the acquisition of state independence by Ukraine and the opening of previously closed archives and museum storages. The volumes of theoretical work of avant-garde artists are significant and require their understanding, which happens over time. The historiography of Ukrainian avant-garde art is supplemented by thorough works of researchers and reproduces the history of its origin and establishment. A comprehensive analysis of the artists’ views on the essence of avant-garde art reveals the philosophy of their work and the phenomenon of Ukrainian art in the European phenomenon. Ukrainian art history academic discourse needs to study the phenomenon of the turning point in art, which became the avant-garde. Oleksandr Bogomazov, along with other prominent figures, made a fundamental contribution to the expressive Ukrainian modernist discourse. He announced the Manifesto of the Ukrainian avant-garde for the first time in Kyiv. Oleksandr Bogomazov’s theory of the Ukrainian avant-garde was born during the years of active manifestation and practical and theoretical confirmation of new views on the relationship between art and the artist and the artist and the viewer. Bogomazov’s artistic philosophy is consistent with modern theoretical frameworks that emphasize the role of art in cultural and social systems. Oleksandr Bogomazov’s work illustrates the dynamic interaction of local and global influences in the development of modern art. His work not only reflects the broader trends of European modernism, but also affirms a distinct Ukrainian identity, challenging the monolithic narrative of Western modernism. Engaging both in the socio-political context and in the theoretical framework of his time, Bogomazov helped to form a unique theory of the Ukrainian avant-garde.


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How to Cite

Karpov В. В. (2024). THEORY OF UKRAINIAN AVANT-GARDE ART BY OLEKSANDR BOHOMAZOV. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (3), 43–53.




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