


visual arts, painting, NAFAA


The artistic era in the person of Vasyl Hurin occupies an important link in the fine arts of Ukraine. His works and the works of his students enrich private collections, collections of museums in Ukraine and abroad, forming a certain artistic plane in a long-term slice of time. In the article, using the method of discussing the events of 2024, which took place on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the birth of Vasyl Gurin, a planned rethinking of the professor's art school was carried out every 5 years. Direct personal exhibition of works from NAFAA funds March 18–April 15, 2024. Individual works were exhibited for the first time. Works from different periods were presented at the exhibition: from the diploma work written at the end of the art school in Simferopol, works from the student years of KDHI and up to the beginning of the 2000s. On the basis of the methodical material of the exhibition, organized by the Department of Painting and Composition, a round table was also held on April 10, 2024 «Art School of Vasyl GURIN (1939–2018)». Materials of the methodical exhibition from the funds of NAFAA were also used for the research, educational productions performed in Vasyl Gurin's educational workshop were selectively exhibited. These events became the basis for updating the methodological base of Vasyl Gurin's art school. Reinterpretation of the artistic era every five years allows to discover new links of painting traditions of NAFAA. The last public discussion took place at the press conference «Hurinu memories» in 2019 in the exhibition halls of the NSHU. As for creativity, Vasyl Gurin preferred an approach that was based on a combination of the best methodological achievements in the art of image creation with the opening of opportunities for free and individual expression. Analyzing the graduation works of students who left Vasyl Gurin's workshop, it can be noted that he probably transferred his compositional ambitions to young creative personalities, students. It can be noted that Vasyl Ivanovich Gurin's pedagogical approach showed a certain evolution over time. In the initial stages, especially in the third and fourth years, the influence of the professor was pronounced, sometimes even indicative. However, when analyzing the results of students' work in the fifth and sixth years, it is noticeable that Vasyl Ivanovych's teaching method became more flexible and recommended. He encouraged students to choose their own path in the creative process, allowing them to independently develop their skills and abilities.


Прес-конференція «Присвята Василю Гуріну». Національна спілка художників України, 6 квітня 2019. Київ, 2019. URL: (дата звернення: 18.05.2024).

Круглий стіл «Мистецька школа Василя ГУРІНА (1939-2018)» з нагоди 85-річчя з дня народження майстра. Національна академія образотворчого мистецтва і архітектури, 10 квітня 2024. Київ, 2024.

URL: (дата звернення: 11.05.2024).

«Ретроспекція студентських робіт, зроблених під керівництвом провідних викладачів творчих майстерень КДХІ і НАОМА, кафедра живопису і композиції (1930-2023р.)». Національна академія образотворчого мистецтва і архітектури, 22.04.-22.05.2024. Київ, 2024. URL: (дата звернення: 12.05.2024).



How to Cite

Khrapachov О. М. (2024). VASYL GURIN – ON HIS 85TH BIRTHDAY. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (2), 148–153.


