


monumental painting of various times, restoration, wall painting, art, recording, renewal, attribution, research


A significant number of architectural monuments of Ukraine, especially in its Western regions, require careful and professional research for possible further restoration. There is also a large number of monuments of monumental painting, which have later renovations, which are no less valuable than early examples of author's painting, but need to be preserved. There are cases when in the course of everyday life, the original painting is covered with layers of various types of putty and whitewash, such layers should not be preserved, they do not have a valuable significance for art. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully examine each layer of painting from different periods and conduct a thorough attribution with the help of existing methods and choose the technology of its restoration. The problem lies in the impossibility of examining each layer of the mural, which is located one on top of the other, to determine their involvement in a certain period, style, creation technique, plot, etc. The only way to preserve each layer of painting from different periods is to separate it from each other and transfer it to a new base, only a complete discovery of the painting will help to carefully, and most importantly, reliably carry out its attribution [13, p. 61-68; 14, p. 81-86]. The result of the research work is the creation of a step-by-step approach to the attribution of monuments with wall paintings from different periods. The purpose of the work is to identify a monumental wall painting that has different periods of painting and carry out its reliable layer-by-layer attribution.The scientific novelty consists in the systematization of the approach to the solution of the tasks of identifying and researching architectural monuments that have wall paintings from different periods and introducing hidden earlier layers of painting into scientific circulation. Conclusions. To solve certain problems in the attribution of wall paintings of different periods, basic technical and technological studies are carried out, based on the results of which certain signs are determined for the argumentation of conclusions. The collected conclusions based on the results of the research are formed in accordance with the results obtained and in accordance with the issues set forth in the resolution on the assignment of attribution. The sequence of performing the reliable attribution of works with monumental paintings of various times has been developed and can be used as methodical recommendations in specialized educational institutions.


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