



artistic textiles, art textiles, conceptual textiles, mini textiles, textile video art, textile photography


In the article, the author investigated the issue of the modern terminology of artistic textiles, which exists in world and Ukrainian art studies, and conducted a brief analysis of the types of this artistic direction. It was determined that changes in the very paradigm of textile art significantly influenced the emergence of new terms and the expansion of existing ones. It was found that a number of key concepts have clear definitions, and some need to be clarified, and the most discursive aspects of the semantic content were also revealed. The study showed the existence of synonymous terms “art textiles”, “textile art”, “ art of fabric” in the Ukrainian language, the nuances of the lexical meaning were analysed to form clear definitions. The purpose of the publication is to explain the existing terms that exist in foreign and Ukrainian scientific circulation, to define differences in meanings, to formulate clear concepts and to outline the scope of application. During the research, it was found that interaction with modern technologies and experimental methods influence the creation of new forms and expressions in artistic textile art. In addition, the considered aspects of the identification of art textiles reveal its significance to both artists and viewers in the modern visual environment. The purpose of the article is to introduce into the scientific circulation recently formed designations for such types of textiles works as “textile photography”, “textile video art”, which are new for Ukrainian art history science. Concepts related to textile works of art depending on their form have been studied and systematized: flat, three-dimensional and textile environments, as well as mini textiles; the use of the term “conceptual textile” is considered. In addition, the author’s article emphasizes the importance of identifying art textiles as part of modern visual art and going beyond the decorative and utilitarian direction, as well as the need to constantly update and expand the terminological base in the field of artistic textiles in order to reflect modern trends and directions of development of this artistic genre. The method of terminological analysis was used to achieve the set objectives.


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How to Cite

Naumchuk М. В. (2023). SPECIFICATION OF TERMINOLOGY IN THE SPHERE OF ART TEXTILES. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (6), 65–72. https://doi.org/10.32782/uad.2023.6.8


