
  • Vladislava Hurdina
  • Victoria Budiak
  • Tatiana Malik
  • Marina Vasylieva



types of customization, fashion design, costume decoration technologies.


The authors position the means of customization as one of the oldest ways of processing, decorating and finishing clothes, which in design practices has become the most important means of product individualization and a key fashion trend. Nowadays, more and more people are striving to have an individual yet stylish, modern look. This is possible thanks to the customization of existing clothing, whether it is created to order or the implementation of an author’s project. The customization of existing clothing has an impact on the environment because it gives new life to things that, due to the saturation of the market and the rich assortment on store shelves, have begun to end up in the sewage system. The purpose of the study is to characterize the specifics of modern means of customization, their impact on the functional, aesthetic and formative aspects of design products. The existing types of customization and their classification based on the characteristics of the technologies used are analyzed. It is established that despite the wide range of different means of customization, they all perform utilitarian and practical, artistic and stylistic, formal and aesthetic, and communicative and identification functions. The key function is still the decoration and trimming of clothing. Designers embody artistic, figurative, emotional and psychological aspects in them, form associative links with primary sources. In addition, customization of clothing can bring economic benefits, including higher selling prices, attracting new customers, no need for readymade stock, and increased customer satisfaction. All this helps to increase the profitability and competitiveness of companies. Clothing customization has been found to contribute to sustainability by reducing waste, extending the life of clothing, minimizing unnecessary costs, and reducing resource use. This contributes to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly approach to fashion. It is shown that among the creators of this sphere there are professional customizers who modify finished products; brands that allow the buyer to design a product from scratch or change an existing product model; people who recycle things for themselves. In general, clothing through the use of customization tools becomes truly individual, which makes it possible to realize any consumer needs.


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How to Cite

Hurdina В. В., Budiak В. В., Malik Т. В., & Vasylieva М. І. (2023). CASTOMIZATION MEANS IN MODERN FASHION DESIGN: FORMAL-AESTHETIC AND FORM-CREATING ASPECTS. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (4), 22–29.


