
  • Rada Mykhailova



architecture of the ХХth-early ХХІst centuries, opera and ballet theater, stage space design, objectspatial environment, visual image, work of Zaha Hadid


The article examines the innovations of the architectural, design and artistic thinking of the outstanding architect of the ХХth-early ХХІst centuries. Zaha Hadid at work on projects of theater buildings. Using the example of the Opera House in Guangzhou (China), the algorithms and amplitude of the artist’s creative search, the ways of her developing approaches to the architectural solution in the implementation of the author’s idea of the theater and stage environment are analyzed. The peculiarities of Zaha Hadid’s creative worldview about the theater of the ХХІst century are revealed as a work of architectural design. The purpose. To investigate and highlight the creative contribution of Zaha Hadid to the world architecture of theater buildings; to find out the methods of her work and the specifics of her creative thinking on the basis of realized and unrealized theater complexes of the stage space, developed by the outstanding architect at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the ХХІst centuries. Methodology. The research is based on socio-cultural, historical-theoretical, empirical and comparative methodology, methods of analysis, synthesis, and modeling are used; to reveal a personal creative vision - a biographical approach, etc. The results. In the process of studying Zaha Hadid’s work on the idea of an opera house, the artist’s outlook, the specifics of her approaches to project implementation, ways of visualizing architectural images, and the peculiarities of organizing the stage space by means of architectural design were revealed. The scientific analysis of Zaha Hadid’s three theater projects showed the potential of her creative abilities. Using the example of the Opera House in Guangzhou, directions for generating a suitable idea are specified by referring to topography, geology, philosophy, world and regional culture. It is concluded that the Guangzhou Opera House (China) synthesizes nature, architecture, art and design technologies in its image, becoming a catalyst for the further development of the city. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the study of Zaha Hadid’s work methods, revealing the peculiarities of her figurative language, in particular, in the generation of visual images of architecture using design technologies, which is a relevant experience for the development of architecture in the world and in Ukraine. The practical significance of the study is due to the expansion of information and the deepening of practical skills in designing modern opera houses, mastering the mechanisms of concept formation and the visible image of architecture. The obtained results prove the need to study Zaha Hadid’s experience as a tool for creating and implementing theater space design. Work materials can be used in the educational process, practical activities in the field of creative industries and art.


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How to Cite

Mykhailova Р. Д. (2023). THEATER PROJECTS OF ZAHA HADID. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (3), 68–75.


