
  • Yuliia Romanenkova
  • Hanna Myronova
  • Oksana Zdor
  • Kateryna Radko



Jewelry design, 3D-printing, 3D-modeling, computer projecting, digital technologies, handiwork


The article aims to consider the role of computer technology in modern jewelry art. Considered the importance of computer programming, 3D-modeling and 3D- printing for the process of creating a jewelry product, attention is paid to the stages of jewelry creation, their advertising and sales. Some of the technologies used today in the jewelry business, the positive features of the possibility of using a computer and the disadvantages of this process are considered. The question of the value and assessment of the use of computer technology tools in the creation of jewelry was raised. The role of the process of changing the nature of jewelry design after the start of using digital technologies is emphasized. The issue of changing the perception and evaluation of a work of jewelry art, in the creation of which mechanization is used, is emphasized. A comparative analysis of the features of the formation of the value of a hand-made jewelry product, possible for replication, and a hand-made work of jewelry art was carried out. Considered the reasons for the high cost of a piece of jewelry made without the help of mechanization of the process, the small number of highly professional artists who possess classical jewelry techniques. There is an acute question of the danger of the disappearance of manual work in the jewelry business due to the replacement of the majority of processes with mechanical, automated work. But all the advantages of the mechanization of a number of stages in the manufacture of jewelry are also explained. The most popular programs for creating the design of jewelry are given, their rapid aging and loss of relevance, the appearance of new programs are emphasized. The importance of advertising and competent promotion of jewelry and the role of computer technologies in this process are described. Examples of hand-made jewelry by modern artists are given, sites and catalogs of a number of modern Ukrainian jewelry brands are described.


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How to Cite

Romanenkova Ю. В., Myronova Г. А., Zdor О. Г., & Radko К. В. (2023). COMPUTER TECHNOLOGIES IN JEWELRY DESIGN: DEVELOPMENT FACTOR OR REASON FOR CHANGE CONCEPT. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (1), 20–28.


