Peer-review process
Manuscripts should meet the specific requirements prescribed by the editorial office of the journal. Editors are entitled to send a manuscript back for improving or to reject due to considerable non-compliance with the editorial policy, journal ethical standards, requirements for manuscripts. Authors receive a notice of receipt, return, or rejection of manuscripts via e-mail.
Peer-review process
All materials are subject to an external peer-review by an expert in the relevant specialty.
There is a system of a double “blind” peer-review in the journal.
A peer-reviewer has three options after examining materials: 1) to publish in the author’s edition; 2) to publish with minor alternations made by the editorial board; 3) to send an author’s manuscript back (if it needs improving; the author can send the improved manuscript again); 4) to reject the publication (if a manuscript doesn’t meet the editorial policy, ethical norms, requirements for manuscripts).
Every issue of journal "Ukrainian Art Discourse" is subject to an external peer-review conducted by the prominent scientists having a scientific degree of Doctor of Sciences, an academic rank of Professor, as well as recommended by the Academic Council of National Aviation University.