
  • Valeriia Lomova
  • Andrii Markovskyi



semantics, Ukrainian bead jewelry, ancient Egyptian wide collar, decorative and applied art, solar cult, sacred meaning.


Abstract. Within the framework of the article, common and different are thoroughly investigated for the first time semantics of Ukrainian beaded jewellery (silyanok, gerdaniv, kryz) and the ancient Egyptian wide collar wsḫ, which paradoxically repeat the form and compositional techniques due to the importance in both highly developed cultures of the solar cult. Objects illustrated by the artist Svitlana Nismeiko from the funds of The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Lviv Museum of the History of Religion were involved. Unrelated religious ideas of Christians, including Ukrainians, and supporters of numerous deities, in this case the ancient Egyptians, due to different chronological boundaries and historical events, still contain related ethical and moral concepts. Christianity and ancient Egyptian religious practice are interconnected due to the influence of the latter, which the author of the article proves with the help of artistic and stylistic and comparative research methods on the example of works of decorative and applied art, produced in different natural and climatic conditions, and, accordingly, different socio-economic structures and atypical for both, the perception of the environment, which affects the complex aesthetic perception of reality and turns into a tradition, an idea of the beautiful, faith. Jewelry is a universal way to combine religion and aesthetics, present in the civilization of the Nile Valley and until now in independent Ukraine. On the basis of works written by specialists in the field of Egyptology and Ukrainian studies, a method of conveying sacred content in products with geometric and plant ornaments has been established. The insufficient amount of information for conducting scientific research is compensated by parallelism and differentiation of artistic features, leveling the gaps in both fields. The results can be used to study cultures with solar symbols, which include Ukrainian, African, South American, but not limited to the given list. Considering the fact that the topic is almost the first attempt to compare Ukrainian and ancient Egyptian art, the field for discussion remains open.


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How to Cite

Lomova В. О., & Markovskyi А. І. (2022). SEMANTICS OF ANCIENT EGYPTIAN WSḪ AND UKRAINIAN BEAD JEWELLERY. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (2), 27–34.


