
  • Vladyslav Klivak



virtual reality, augmented reality, technology, headset, art, illustration.


The article examines the features of modern art in virtual and augmented reality. The technology of virtual reality and the essence of augmented reality art are described in detail. Artistic examples of the use of VR and AR at the national and global levels are given. The scientific article is aimed at studying the features and analysis of modern art in virtual and augmented reality. The research methods used in this article are: logical method, analysis, generalization. The scientific novelty lies in the distinction between the concepts of «virtual reality», «augmented reality» and in a clear and detailed selection of examples of implementation of these concepts in modern art. The world of art in the online space over the last thirty years has become extremely interesting, diverse and no less active than «offline» one. And if earlier artists even tried to resist this, urging viewers to «take their eyes off» the screens of gadgets, the current situation has shown how necessary the opportunities for digital technology, including the cultural sphere, are in this unpredictable time for public communication. Art is very important for the human race. From the very beginning of our existence, people have been creating some kind of art. From paintings on the walls to beautiful sculptures and graffiti. Now, more than ever, people are becoming more and more interested in art. Augmented reality and virtual reality (usually abbreviated as AR and VR, respectively) are reality technologies that enhance or replace the real environment with a simulated one. Augmented reality (AR) complements your environment by adding digital elements to live viewing, often with a smartphone camera. Virtual reality (VR) is a completely exciting experience that replaces the real environment with a simulated one. Virtual reality offers a complete immersion in another reality. However, AR shows the reality and the changed version side by side. VR replaces what the user sees with an alternative reality. AR adds what the user can already see. This means that it can be useful for annotating scenes and providing additional information. It is also used to place scenes in context and emphasize contrasts with current reality. Virtual reality requires special technologies such as headsets, controllers and sensors. All you need for augmented reality is a smartphone or tablet, and they can be downloaded as apps.


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Creating art in Virtual Reality : веб-сайт. URL: (дата звернення: 12.06.2022).

How VR and AR will change how art is experienced : веб-сайт. URL: how-vr-is-changing-the-art-experience/ (дата звернення: 12.06.2022).

Jerusalem Botanical Gardens Launches Grand-Scale Augmented Reality Art Exhibit. 2021 : веб-сайт. URL: (дата звернення: 13.06.2022).

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Museum VR creates new ways for visitors to explore : веб-сайт. URL: in-depth/museum-vr-experiences/ (дата звернення: 13.06.2022).

Shadow Play premier in Rome, Italy & Online in October, 2020 : веб-сайт. URL: https://lilyhonglei. (дата звернення: 13.06.2022).

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How to Cite

Klivak В. С. (2022). MODERN ART IN VIRTUAL AND AUGMENTED REALITY. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (2), 20–26.


