
  • Viktor Karpov
  • Natalia Syrotynska




shadow, neuroart, sacred monody, Еuropean painting, Skovoroda, Platonic cave, archetype, Carl Gustav Jung.


The article focuses on the transformation of the image of the shadow in the art of different time periods. Different forms of its reflection are noted depending on the plane of image functioning. In the texts of the sacred hymnography, we find the perception of the shadow as a generalized symbol of protection, which arose on the basis of the peculiarities of the climatic conditions of living in the East. Instead, her mobility was reflected in images of a short life and a symbol of the Old Testament, which was replaced by the light of evangelical teaching. This interpretation of the shadow continued to be used and deepened in Ukrainian baroque poetry and Hryhoriy Skovorda works. Also considered the interpretation of the shadow as a metaphysical symbol that penetrates in Plato’s mythological thinking and Carl Gustav Jung's analytical psychology. The symbol of the shadows of Plato's cave in juxtaposition with Jung's archetypal imagery points to the deeper layers of human thinking. The irrationality of perceiving the world in the form of shadows on the wall or immersion in the dark layers of the subconscious emphasizes the importance of research into the human psyche and thought processes. The emergence of the newest scientific direction neuroart, acquires new opportunities the study of the mental processes related to artistic expressiveness. The persistence and relevance of the image of the shadow for thousands of years focuses attention on the key role of man, his mental activity and creative potential in creating his own picture of the world. In this way, the integrity of the perception of art of various styles is built, and the possibilities of neuroscience will allow to explore the deep inspirations of human creative thinking.


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How to Cite

Karpov В. В., & Syrotynska Н. І. (2022). «SHADOW» TRAIL OF THE NEUROART: FROM THE SACRED MONODY TO THE EUROPEAN PAINTING. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (2), 14–19. https://doi.org/10.32782/uad.2022.2.2




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