
  • Valeriia Kuznietsova



art design, art object, catwalk image, Ukrainian fashion.


The characteristic features of art design as a phenomenon in the historical context have been analyzed, and the main factors of establishing the term “art design” and changing the status of design in culture have been revealed, including the following: the freedom of postmodern searches, the growing importance of the designer’s role, the demand of the elite consumers for the individualization of products, the development of the practice of collecting and auction activity in the field of design. The relevance of the proposed study is explained by the lack of scientific research on art practices in fashion design. It was emphasized that the exhibition “IN PROGRESS. Dress code of Ukraine at the time of Independence” (Mystetsky arsenal, 2017, Kyiv) has become a vivid act of fixing the phenomenon of art design in Ukrainian fashion. It has been found that in the territory of Ukraine, since the 1990s, art design has been a means of manifesting freedom and finding new forms of world perception by designers. The study defines art design as a type of artistic design creativity, characterized by the desire to activate aesthetics and individualization, freedom and variety of artistic positions, free use of styles and artistic methods, and active experimentation with form, construction, material, and color. Art design trends in the works of such Ukrainian designers as Anastasia Zagrebelna, Oleksiy Zalevskiy, Olena Reva, Fedor Vozianov, Olena Burenina, and the Overall brand have been analyzed. According to the results of the analysis of catwalk images, the following trends have been highlighted: non-linear dynamic forms, the use of plastic properties of non-traditional materials, the use of creative motifs of modern artists, the use of motifs from works of historical heritage, an emphasis on stylistic characteristics. Conclusions have been made regarding the prospects for the development of the direction of combining art and fashion, which allows the designer to find new ways of expressing ideas, adds sharpness and conceptuality to fashion, and expands the target audience and the possibilities of influencing the consumer.


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How to Cite

Kuznietsova В. О. (2022). ART DESIGN TRENDS IN CONTEMPORARY PODIUM IMAGES. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (5), 28–39.


