
  • Olena Savitska



design idea, color solution, materials science, hair morphology, oxidation hair colorants, interim precursor colorants, non-oxidation hair colorants, decolorant, cosmetic, hairdressing.


Modern materials and technologies that affect specific visual and image solutions of color hair design have been studied in the article. The analysis of the morphology and physiology of hair, which reveals the functions of this natural element as a specific material of the designer’s work, has been used as the basis of the research of the coloristic design technologies. Techniques for diagnosing hair condition have been provided in order to predict the final result of the design project. The study highlights that the stage of primary diagnostics includes the determination of the initial color: its natural or cosmetic base (TDL (tone depth level), main tone, shade, depth of color saturation, uniformity of color along the hair length). Hair diagnostics provides the opportunity to determine the state of the hair structure by a number of physical peculiarities, such as thickness, strength, porosity, hygroscopicity, stretchability, resilience, elasticity, each of which affects the hair dyeing process and the final result. The study revealed that diagnostics from the point of view of coloristics is the key approach in the process of hairstyle color solution creation, the design project result achieving, including visual perception. The hair dyeing procedures sequence logic, the usage of the modern material means to prevent an unwanted effect, a dyeing positive result ensuring as a way of the projected color solution implementation according to the determined hairstyle design has been revealed. The importance of the master’s knowledge of hair as a specific natural material, its structure, physical and chemical peculiarities, including its biosynthesis as a foundation for the practical achievement of design tasks, is emphasized. The analysis of the materials science part of the hairstyle design, namely hair dyeing products, has shown that hair dyeing process is a multi-stage, complex process which requires professional knowledge regarding the quality of all components, detailed distinguishing of techniques and technologies in each specific case, as well as taking into account the nuances of the perfume-cosmetic preparations effect on the hair as chemical means of obtaining and preserving the chosen color. The analytical approach has been used to study the written sources and scientific evidence of materials science; the typological approach has been used to identify the criteria for the distribution of modern means for changing hair color; the systematic approach has been used for the arrangement of various data, modern means classification; the comparative approach has been used for a correlative analysis of the color possibilities of colorants, the variety of ways of their usage, the multitude of color solutions as possible options for a design project. The scientific novelty is in the detailed analysis of the interconnection between morphology and physiology of hair, its physical properties and various types of colorants and decolorants. Features of commonality and diversify in different groups (classes) of means for changing hair color have been identified, the specific objectives of the features study are to determine the expediency of means usage, depending on colorist ideas, to avoid the negative consequences of chemical effects on the hair structure, to obtain intended results regarding the colorist plan. The classifications of the above-mentioned aspects have been summarized, systematized, and presented schematically.


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How to Cite

Savitska О. В. (2022). MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGIES OF HAIR COLOR DESIGN. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (4), 36–50.


