
  • Oleksandra Sakorska



historicism, eclectic, interior, decorative art.


The purpose of the article is to explore the deeper significance of historicism movements in interior decoration at the end of the 19th century. By the example of original interior complexes of the end of the 19th century, that had been preserved till nowdays in the Khanenko Museum, the decorative code of the historicism era is reviewed. A comprehensive description of the direction of historicism is provided, the time frame of eclectic interiors is outlined from the point of view of modern Western European scientific discourse. The main focus of the article is devoted to residential design and decoration of the end of the 19th century, architecture is also considered, as often played an important role in creating the iconography of historicisms. The decor and paintings of the so-called “Delft dining room” of the Khanenko museum show the trends towards eclectic decoration in Europe, followed by Bohdan Khanenko. From such an angle, the analysis of the original interiors of the Khanenkos has never been conducted. As a result of the research, the painting composition of the ceiling of the so-called “Delft dining room” of the Khanenko museum was attributed and dated for the first time, and the possible architect and decorator of the Khanenko museum complex was determined. Thanks to archival research, the role of Mikhail Vrubel in creating the ornamental decor of the interiors of the Khanenko mansion has been proven. Prototypes of the decoration in private houses of the end of the 19th century were found in textbooks on decor of the corresponding period. The probable names of the Khanenkos’ halls and their stylistic direction, in particular the so-called Delft dining room, have been clarified.


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How to Cite

Sakorska О. С. (2022). DELFT DINING ROOM AND THE KHANENKO’S MANSION DECORATIVE CODE. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (3), 78–92.


