
  • Kateryna Kyselova



eco-design, ecological design, eco-fashion, ecological fashion, eco-trends, sustainability, sustainable design.


The purpose of the work is to clarify the conceptual apparatus of ecologically oriented design and define the main guidelines for achieving “environmentalism” and ensuring sustainability on the example of clothing design. The methods of philosophical, literary, sociocultural, and art analysis were used. It was determined that the most general and elaborated concept within the framework of environmental topics is “sustainable design”. Sustainable design expresses the concept of creating the closed cycle of coexistence between man and nature. It has been established that the term “design” in combination with “environmentalism” and “sustainable” is used to mean the valuable and visual basis that guides the activities of not only the developer himself, dictating to him formal criteria, strategies and methods of creating products, but also creates conceptual guidelines for the manufacturer’s activities, consumer behavior, society as a whole. While society moves according to the old paradigm of manmade existence, trying to take into account certain aspects and ways of improving the ecological component, a new paradigm has already been formed that changes the original guidelines. Each design decision must first of all meet the sustainable worldview, and only then be guided by certain principles. It is proposed to include: the use of materials with a low level of influence on the environment, minimization of waste products, promotion of longlasting relationships between consumers and products, shifting the consumption method from personal ownership to the provision of temporary ownership services. The key aspect is that all areas should be considered in a complex, and devalue the basis of “sustainability” taken into account separately. Sustainable design can be considered as a way of solving global problems covering the material and spiritual spheres of human activity and an attempt to find a new harmonious environment.


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How to Cite

Kyselova К. О. (2022). SUSTAINABILITY IS THE MAIN TREND OF MODERN DESIGN. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (3), 37–44.


