infographics, visual communications, visualization, industrial design, multimedia design, virtual reality, augmented realityAbstract
Infographics are crucial for effectively communicating complex information in industrial design, from conceptual drawings to interactive multimedia solutions. In light of the current design movement toward interactive visual tools, particularly in the digital domain, an investigation of their implications on product presentation, design, and comprehension is necessary. The purpose of the study is to determine the evolutionary stages of using infographics in industrial design. Key attention in the research is given to the implementation of infographics in the design of technological products, in particular, the use of static drawings to convey technical information. Also considered is the transition to modern digital visualizations that improve communication and presentation of design solutions. The research uses methods of artistic composition and comparative analysis of examples of visualization of industrial products from different historical periods. The study's results highlight the key stages of the evolution of creative and project thinking in industrial design. Static drawings were initially used to depict technical facts and solutions. Technology progressed to the point where interactive visualization became the norm, greatly enhancing the design's ability to communicate. Modern design requires new tools, and augmented and virtual reality in particular have become indispensable, providing accurate and dynamic representations of complex issues. Future research may focus on the integration of augmented and virtual reality for the visualization of various industrial products. In addition, one of the directions can be the study of optimizing the adaptive design of user interfaces for different platforms, which will contribute to increasing the personalization and ease of use of interactive infographics in design.
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