


branding, visual identity, marketing, design, social media


The aim of the article is to explore the process of creating an effective corporate identity for a handcrafted soap store. The article examines key elements of corporate identity, including the logo, color palette, typography, promotional products, outdoor advertising elements, and the slogan, as well as their role in brand development. It highlights the significance of each of these components in creating a cohesive company image and ensuring brand recognition in a competitive market. Special attention is paid to how consumers perceive the brand’s visual identity and how it affects their trust in the company and loyalty to its products. Using the handcrafted soap store as an example, the article analyzes the unique features of designing a corporate identity for small businesses in the natural cosmetics sector. It demonstrates how an effective corporate identity can help small businesses differentiate themselves from large brands and carve out a unique niche in the market. The article also highlights modern trends in graphic design, focusing on how the latest technologies and innovative approaches influence corporate identity development. An important aspect discussed is the use of digital technologies for conducting market research and creating interactive brand elements. In addition to the visual aspect, the article analyzes the specifics and methods of marketing research used to create an effective corporate identity. Methods such as audience analysis, competitive analysis, surveys, and focus groups are examined, helping to gain a deeper understanding of consumer needs and expectations. These methods help identify which corporate identity elements are most important to the target audience and which decisions will make the brand recognizable and appealing to consumers. Thus, this article presents a comprehensive approach to developing corporate identity for small businesses operating in the natural cosmetics industry. It not only discusses the theoretical aspects of branding but also offers practical tools for their implementation based on market analysis, consumer needs, and current design trends.


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How to Cite

Mironova А. С., Galchynska О. С., & Makovska О. А. (2024). BRAND IDENTITY AS A KEY ELEMENT OF MARKETING STRATEGY FOR A CRAFT SOAP STORE. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (4), 106–110.


