


advertising design, non-governmental organizations, social advertising, creativity, adaptive design, ethical standards, font solutions, graphic design, social media, promotion of social initiatives


The article discusses the issues of advertising design in non-governmental organizations, including its specifics and the challenges that designers face when creating advertising materials for non-profit projects. Advertising in the public sector has its own unique aspects, as its main goal is not so much to make a profit as to promote ideas, draw attention to social problems and attract an active audience to participate in initiatives. The article focuses on the analysis of such factors as emotional perception of messages, choice of graphic elements, fonts and color palettes that should meet ethical standards and at the same time effectively communicate with the target audience. The article also discusses the importance of responsive design, which allows advertising materials to be accessible on different platforms and devices, as well as the importance of using social media to spread the messages of civil society organizations. The main emphasis is on the need to balance the attractiveness of advertising with its relevance to the organization's mission. Particular attention is paid to finding creative solutions that help to stand out on a limited budget, which is typical for many non-profit organizations. The article also analyzes examples of successful advertising campaigns that have contributed to the growth of organizations' awareness and the involvement of new participants in social initiatives.


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How to Cite

Davydenko О. М. (2024). PROBLEMS OF ADVERTISING DESIGN IN NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (4), 58–63.


