


graphics, easel graphics, drawing, sketch, Nataliia Verhun's graphics, Ukrainian art


This article focuses on a specific aspect of the creative heritage people's artist of Ukraine Natalia Vergun. Although it is widely known in the artistic world with her paintings, the article discusses her graphic works. The study examines the artistic and technical features of her drawings, analyzing her graphic art in chronological order. The aim of the article is to explore the artistic features of Natalia Vergun's graphic works, to draw the attention of the scientific community to her individual style and techniques. Additionally, it seeks to highlight the significance of this aspect of her work within the context of her overall creative heritage. Research methodology. To achieve this goal, the methods of system analysis, the historical method, methods of comparison and synthesis, as well as the method of art history analysis were used. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the study lies in a comprehensive approach to the study of the artist's work, in particular, to her graphic pieces. In the course of the work, the artistic features of the selected works were analyzed and systematized. Conclusions. It is established that the work of Natalia Vergun demonstrates the versatility of her talent both in painting and graphics. Vergun's graphics differs from her painting through its intimacy and often unfinished quality, which lends it a more personal character. It is revealed that the leading technique of the artist is drawing with colored pencils, retouching and charcoal on paper. The key element in Verhun's graphic works is the line, which forms the composition and focuses on shapes and silhouettes. The artist focuses on finding harmony between line and color, particularly in her landscape depictions of Ukrainian villages, where the unity of the sky and the earth is emphasized. In her landscapes, the influence of European Fauvism is evident, which is manifested in simplifying the form and experimenting with bright color combinations.


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How to Cite

Hudziienko Л. Р. (2024). NATALIIA VERHUN: ARTISTIC FEATURES OF GRAPHIC WORKS. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (4), 51–57.


