


Ukrainian ornament, symbol, design, ethnic style, identity, graphic design


The purpose of the article is to research author's projects created on the basis of traditional Ukrainian paintings, with the aim of identifying ways of preserving and reinterpreting the national cultural heritage in modern design. The article examines ways of integrating traditional ornaments, styles and techniques of folk painting into graphic design projects adapted to the needs of modern society. It also explores the impact of author's interpretations on the development of Ukrainian national identity, popularization of traditional art and its role in the global cultural context. It is worth noting the important role of ornament, which also contains cultural, educational and educational functions, in addition to being endowed with traditional sacred properties, which form an aesthetically positive visual image in graphic design products at a deep, psychological level of perception by the consumer. The effectiveness of this design approach is due to the fact that traditional, national motives, which are coded at the genetic level, are perceived by the Ukrainian consumer without conscious analysis, causing subconscious trust and a positive impression. The specificity of this study involves a detailed analysis of a number of literary and illustrative sources, which requires a systematic approach to their study and allows to gain a deeper understanding of the researched issue in order to provide a more comprehensive overview of the topic. The first group of sources is related to theoretical studies of the application of the most common and studied Ukrainian paintings in design projects. The second group of sources includes samples of graphic design products developed by modern authors using motifs of traditional Ukrainian painting. The symbolism of Ukrainian traditional painting has a special context, so an incorrect interpretation in design works can lead to a distortion of meaning. However, the competent addition of traditional ornaments with new elements, or providing them with new contexts, while respecting the traditional style and its main features, will contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage, reflect modern design approaches and be in demand among the consumer audience.


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Сайт бренду «Слов’яночка». URL: (дата звернення: 10.09.2024).

Сайт дизайн студії JGesign URL: (дата звернення: 13.09.2024).



How to Cite

Galchynska О. С., Muntian В. В., & Kostenko І. О. (2024). GRAPHIC DESIGN PRODUCTS CREATED BASED ON TRADITIONAL UKRAINIAN PAINTINGS. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (4), 45–50.


