artistic style, icon painting, multiculturalism, old believers, Starodubshchyna, ViеtkaAbstract
The research focuses on the analysis of the process of formation of the Old Believer iconography tradition in the historical region of Starodubsk, which occupies a borderline position between the modern Bryansk, Gomel, and Chernihiv regions. This territory, being a part of the Starodubsk regiment, plays an important role in the context of the development of Ukrainian sacred art, representing unique cultural phenomena formed under the influence of historical events and ethno-cultural factors. The purpose of the study is to identify and systematize the main historical events, cultural transformations, and ethnographic factors that contributed to the formation of the unique iconographic style of the Starodubsk region. The study covers a complex set of historical events, among which an important place is occupied by the church schism, which led to the mass migration of Old Believers from Muscovy to the territory of Starodubshchyna and their persecution and repression. Despite the difficult conditions associated with repression and harassment, local art centers continued their activities, preserving traditions and even influencing the development of artistic processes in other regions, which testifies to the sustainability and cultural significance of Old Believer iconography. In addition, the paper reveals that the Old Believers' school of icon painting is an exceptional multicultural phenomenon that illustrates the interaction of Ukrainian and Belarusian artistic traditions that formed the region's unique artistic style. Starodubsk iconography is characterized by its folk character, bright colors, and original original iconographic compositions. The historical development and decline of Old Believer icon-painting centers and workshops in the Starodubshchyna region are noted. The study also confirms the continuity of the icon painting tradition until the twentieth century, which emphasizes its cultural significance and duration.
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