



Ukrainian packaging design, historical and artistic foundations, ethno-design, contemporary design, cultural identity, sustainability


The article investigates the historical and artistic foundations of contemporary Ukrainian packaging design, using examples of projects by students of the Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts (KSADA). Specifically, it analyzes the works of Maria Vinogradova and Olena Dvukhglavova, which demonstrate a unique combination of national artistic traditions and modern design solutions. Student projects that integrate ethno-design and traditional motifs can serve as examples for creating modern eco-friendly packaging solutions, preserving cultural identity and heritage. The historical context of packaging use in Ukraine from ancient times to the present is examined, with a focus on the importance of pottery and other traditional crafts in forming modern packaging design approaches. It is shown that the use of Ukrainian ornaments and techniques in contemporary packaging design helps preserve national cultural heritage and enhance the aesthetic appeal of products. The research highlights the importance of cultural identity in the context of globalization, demonstrating how historical motifs can be integrated into a modern context to create competitive products in the international market. The study also examines the use of graphic elements as a means of communicating cultural values. The role of prominent Ukrainian artists, such as Heorhii Narbut, in forming the national style and their influence on contemporary designers is discussed. The article outlines prospects for further research, including analyzing the influence of other well-known Ukrainian artists on contemporary packaging design and exploring methods to improve the sustainability of packaging materials.


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How to Cite

Maslak В. І. (2024). HISTORICAL AND ARTISTIC FOUNDATIONS OF CONTEMPORARY UKRAINIAN PACKAGING DESIGN (BASED ON THE PROJECTS OF KSADA STUDENTS). Ukrainian Art Discourse, (2), 114–121. https://doi.org/10.32782/uad.2024.2.13


