



avant-garde, suprematism, innovations, Malevich, abstract art, cultural transformations, artistic methods, attribution


The article is dedicated to the comprehensive analysis and systematization of the key aspects of interaction and ideological contrasts among prominent Ukrainian representatives of the avant-garde at the beginning of the 20th century: Kazimir Malevich, Mykhailo Boychuk, Volodymyr Tatlin, Oleksandr Bohomazov, and David Burliuk. The study highlights these artists' contributions to the development of major trends and concepts in avant-garde art, such as Suprematism, Analytical Realism, and other innovative movements. Special attention is given to the influence of the socio-political context on their work, as well as the role of intense discussions and conflicts among the artists in shaping new artistic paradigms. The article analyzes the theoretical postulates and practical implementations of the artists who rejected traditional forms of art in favor of seeking new expressive means. The author explores how these innovative approaches reflected the broader cultural and social changes of the time and how the interplay of ideas and concepts influenced the subsequent evolution of global art. The analysis of ideological and practical differences among the artists reveals the multifaceted nature of avant-garde art and its significance for the development of the global art scene. The article emphasizes the importance of understanding the historical context and the interactions between the artists for a deeper comprehension of the processes that defined the development of the avant-garde. Separately, the article addresses the issue of the appropriation of the legacy of Ukrainian avant-garde artists by Russian culture, which led to the distortion of their true national origins and contributions to the global cultural heritage, underscoring the importance of this art for both national and global cultural heritage.


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How to Cite

Kovalenko С. Г. (2024). AVANT-GARDE SYNERGY: EXPLORING INNOVATIONS IN THE WORKS OF MALEVICH AND CONTEMPORARIES THROUGH DATA-BASED ATTRIBUTION. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (2), 78–86. https://doi.org/10.32782/uad.2024.2.9


