


anatomy, drawing, plastic, sculpture, art of woodworking, carving


The purpose of the article is to define the definition of the term “plastic anatomy” in the artistic dimension, its formation over several centuries mainly in the art history of Ukraine, which presents a brief development of “plastic anatomy” and correlates the development of this teaching. On the example of a brief development of the current state of domestic plastic arts, the evolution of plastic from rock painting to modern visual arts is analyzed. In the course of the study, a complex of methodological approaches and practical methods was used with a view to the genesis and growth of plastic anatomy, considered in a historical, artistic and cultural aspect. The artistic approach, in the content of which methods were applied, including, partly from the field of historical subjects, became the key to working out the sub-base of intelligence. The use of these methods expands the field of possibilities for a thorough understanding of the genesis of the development of certain artistic components and the use of diverse works from the area of plastic anatomy. A brief analysis and origin of the term “plastic anatomy” related to the concepts of “plasticity” and “plasticity” is made. Aspects of the formation and development of “plastic anatomy” as a special component of visual arts are briefly analyzed, the stages of its development are outlined, connecting with the analysis of the rise of art in a certain plane of «plastic anatomy» and its role in evolution. The methodology of the research consists in the application of the visual method, which allows to reveal and show the importance of images of plastic anatomy in the work of Ukrainian artists during a certain time and provides consideration of the role of plastic in the being of society. As a result of the analysis of the sources available to us, it can be stated that the issues covered by this question are new for modern Ukrainian art history, the raised issue highlights the need for a comprehensive art history treatise in the field of “plastic anatomy”.


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How to Cite

Pisyo С. Я. (2024). PLASTIC ANATOMY IN ART. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (1), 141–147.


