



K. Malevich, «Female Torso No.1», Suprematism, avant-garde art, Ukrainian motifs, expert attribution, philosophy of art, cultural heritage


Through a comprehensive analysis of Malevich’s painting “Female Torso No. 1,” the study delves into its stylistic execution, technique, and philosophical underpinnings. Employing expert attribution methodologies, including chemical laboratory analysis, graphological research, and X-ray examination, the research establishes the artwork’s creation timeline, authenticates the materials used, and scrutinizes the artist’s signature. Central to the analysis is Malevich’s innovative reinterpretation of traditional artistic paradigms and his integration of Ukrainian motifs within the context of Suprematism. This exploration unveils Malevich’s utilization of geometric forms and abstraction, offering profound insights into his aesthetic principles and philosophical musings. Particularly noteworthy is the examination of Malevich’s profound influence on Ukrainian art, evidenced by his tenure at the Kyiv Art Institute from 1928 to 1930 and the emergence of spectralism in Ukrainian art during the 1920s. Moreover, the study explores the coloristic and design elements of Malevich’s work, highlighting its resonance with folk art traditions. By confirming the authenticity and dating of Malevich’s “Female Torso No. 1,” this analysis enriches our understanding of the interplay between Ukrainian artistic heritage and the global avant-garde movement. Emphasizing a holistic approach to Malevich’s oeuvre, the study offers fresh perspectives on the interaction between avant-garde art and cultural traditions. In an era marked by a reevaluation and reinterpretation of art history, this research underscores the significance of exploring the dynamic relationship between artistic styles and cultural legacies, particularly within the context of Ukraine’s contributions to the global artistic landscape.


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How to Cite

Kovalenko С. Г. (2024). UNRAVELING THE INFLUENCE OF KYIV PERIOD: EXPERT ATTRIBUTION OF KAZIMIR MALEVICH’S “FEMALE TORSO NO. 1”. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (1), 113–122. https://doi.org/10.32782/uad.2024.1.14


