


creativity, graphic design, infographics, infographic design


The purpose of this article is to scientifically justify the elucidation of exclusive determinants of creativity in infographic projects aimed at enhancing the professional potential of graphic designers. Creativity, as a fluid indicator of the subject of the creative process, is considered a multifunctional phenomenon that plays a key role in the innovation and objective utility of design outcomes, oriented towards a specific circle of consumers. The significance of increasing the level of creativity in infographic objects is justified by their synthetic active role as a tool for visual encoding of complex informational and semantic systems. Overall, the phenomenon of creativity in the field of visual communication is still insufficiently explored from a scientific perspective, and interest in considering creativity in the aspect of infographic design has only emerged in the last few years. It has been identified that the conditions for increasing the influence and, consequently, the creativity of infographic messages involve integrating their content differentiation with visual-imagery innovations, such as figurative language. The disclosure of creativity potential in infographic design has its own specificity, justified by the artistic-like properties of infographics. It has been revealed that the determinants of creativity in infographic design include the following parameters: information visualization, simplification and clarity, storytelling, iconography and symbolism, visual logic, information hierarchy, feedback, call to action and participation, visual metaphors. A well-founded assumption is made that deeper exploration of the principles and mechanisms of developing creativity stimulation tools for designers specializing in infographics is likely to allow these professionals to increase their own professional capabilities in operating and encoding significant information.


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How to Cite

Diachenko А. В. (2024). CREATIVSTY DETERMINANTS IN INFOGRAPHIC DESIGN. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (1), 69–76.


