



ultraviolet radiation, UV light sources, UV fluorescence, UV reflectance photography, UV reflected false-colour images, art objects’ research


Ultraviolet radiation is widely used in research and restoration for the examination of cultural heritage objects. The period from the discovery of UV rays and the phenomenon of fluorescence in the 19th century to the introduction of digital technologies and technical photography in the late 20th century is characterized by the formation of a methodology for artworks research and its further transformation. The aim of the article is to analyze the main historical stages of the formation and development of the method of art objects examination in the UV range. There was applied an integrated approach that uses general logical methods of scientific knowledge and combines general philosophical and general scientific methods and is based on the principles of historicism, general connection, and interdependence. The article first discusses the evolution of the introduction of UV radiation into research practice in the context of discoveries in the development of UV light sources and techniques for visible fluorescence imaging. Modern approaches to the application of UV radiation in the examination of paintings and graphics arts, in particular, by ultraviolet reflectography, ultraviolet-reflected falsecolour photography, and multispectral imaging have been analyzed. Prospects of the methodology development for the research of artworks aimed at improving the processes and expanding the possibilities of the practical application of ultraviolet rays are considered in this paper. It is shown that in recent years, the main attention of scientists has been focused on improving the reproducibility and standardization of UV imaging of cultural heritage objects by developing reference targets and reliable protocols for image acquisition, correction, and post-processing. The materials presented in this article could be useful for scientists and restorers for the further development and promotion of modern approaches to the application of UV radiation for the examination of cultural heritage objects.


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How to Cite

Andrianova О. Б. (2024). EVOLUTION OF FORMATION AND CURRENT TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF ART OBJECTS’ RESEARCH IN THE ULTRAVIOLET RANGE. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (1), 8–17. https://doi.org/10.32782/uad.2024.1.1


