


inclusion, accessible art, Ivano-Frankivsk, visual art, creativity, people with disabilities


The article examines artistic visual projects that took place in the city of Ivano-Frankivsk, the main goal of which is to involve people with disabilities in art. In this area, a number of initiatives belong to the teachers of the Department of Design and Theory of Art of Vasyl Stefanyk Prekarpattian National University. The author emphasizes that the creation of appropriate conditions for the comfortable existence of people with special needs, the social adaptation of people with disabilities through the means of art, the disclosure of their creative potential. As well as the expansion of opportunities to study the treasures of world and national art of people are among with partial or complete loss of vision are the priority vectors of the activity of both teachers and students of the department. The purpose of the work: to reveal the main vectors of inclusive activity and socially significant initiatives of the creative community of the city of Ivano-Frankivsk, in particular, to highlight the achievements in this direction of the Department of Design and Theory of Art of Vasyl Stefanyk Prekarpattian National University. To implement these tasks, the department created the «Research Center Strategies of universal design». The activities of the department of design and theory of art and the center consist, in particular, in establishing cooperation with cultural and public institutions of the region and joint work on socially important projects, in involving higher education graduates in the creation of barrier-free space projects in the city and region, in involving people with disabilities to cultural heritage, in conducting exhibitions, creative classes and master classes, organizing exhibitions of people with disabilities, as well as charity events. It is emphasized that the problems of people with disabilities are currently in the focus of attention of the creative and scientific community of the city, and among the urgent tasks is the creation of comfortable conditions for such people, who will unfortunately become more and more because of Russian aggression. The author also draws attention to the fact that the communication of the above-mentioned problems to the general public, as well as the coverage of the achievements already made, should take place more intensively through the mass media and social networks.


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How to Cite

Chmelyk І. В. (2023). ACCESSIBLE ART: INCLUSIVE CREATIVE INITIATIVES IN IVANOFRANKIVSK. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (6), 115–121.


