


theory of art, Mykhailo Kryvolapov, Theodor Adorno, Peter Bürger, Roma art, Emilia Rigova, Jonash Tiberii, Selmy Selman, Malgozhata Mirga-Tas


The article, based on the art theory of Mykhailo Kryvolapov, Theodor Adorno, and Peter Bürger, highlights the current trends in the development of the national artistic tradition of the Roma. The purpose of the research is to present the concepts of theoretical understanding of the artistic space and to find out the level of development of the modern artistic tradition of the Roma. It has been found out that in the field of view of the scientists are the research of the works of artists of Roma origin, the artistic and stylistic features of Roma art, the popularization of Roma cultural traditions, and the conceptual reflection of social problems of Roma life in modern artistic forms and images. A comprehensive analysis of the works of Emilia Rigova, Jonas Tiberii, Selma Selman, and Malgozhata Mirga- Tas was conducted. The understanding of the modern national artistic tradition of the Roma and the theoretical justification of the Roma art in the European socio-cultural space acquires significant importance, complements the colorful palette of art with its own national sound. Conclusions. The contemporary national artistic tradition of the Roma demonstrates a close relationship with the general development of the European artistic space and contributes to the development of modern visual art of Ukraine. International forms of art are filled with national content by artists of Roma origin. Their work contributes to the development of the artistic tradition of the Roma culture, popularizes the cultural heritage of the Roma ethnic group, contributes to drawing public attention to its identity, and also acts as a social tool for overcoming the narrative of isolation and discrimination of the Roma community, fighting against xenophobia and racial prejudice. So, from the point of view of anthropology, Roma art is a figurative form of social communication and the basis of the national cultural code.


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How to Cite

Karpov В. В. (2023). ART THEORY AND MODERN ROMA NATIONAL ART TRADITION. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (6), 38–44.




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