


architectural bionics, bionics, design, innovative approaches, ecological constructions, spatial design, latest solutions, space harmony


The purpose of the article is the analysis of bionics in world architecture and design of the 20th and early 20th centuries. 21st century Today, the field of bionics research includes a wide range of scientific disciplines: in addition to purely art studies, architectural and urban planning, and design, these are blocks of the sciences of philosophy, biophysics, biomechanics, biochemistry, human ecology, medicine, cybernetics, knowledge of the environment, including urboecology, noospherology, ergonomics. However, the earliest bright features of the artistic worldview of bionics were art nouveau (art nouveau) works of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Art nouveau artists saw an analogue of the integrity of the artistic structure in nature and compared the forms of their works to plants and living organisms. The biomorphic principle meant the creative transformation of the natural prototype, thanks to the methods of stylization and rhythm. Bright examples of early bionic aesthetics were the country villas of the American Bruce Goff with their strange, nature-oriented anti-geometric forms, metaphorical images and unique interior design. In the second half of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century. there is a new wave of bionics architecture and design, already based on scientific research. Again, as in the Art Nouveau period, the use of flexible lines and surfaces expressing dynamic structures became characteristic. In bionic structures and design objects, arched structures modeled after animal spines, thin shell structures inspired by crustaceans, inflated structures modeled after biocells, spiral structures resembling, in particular, plantain leaves are widespread.»Green architecture», «landform architecture», «earth architecture», «blob architecture» are developing as popular directions of nature-integrated architectural bionics. the latest biomorphic design opens up endless possibilities for creativity and innovation in various fields. It emphasizes the importance of collaboration between designers, architects and scientists to achieve harmony between technology and nature, while creating highly functional and attractive products and structures.


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How to Cite

Zhezherya О. М. (2023). BIONICS IN WORLD ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN XX – BEGINNING. 21ST CENTURY. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (6), 32–37.


