


symbol, sign, image, stereotype, culture, tradition, artistic image, folk costume, artistic transfer


The article analyzes the basic principles and examples of using a symbol as a stereotyped phenomenon in the modern Ukrainian culture, through which the traditional culture heritage is transmitted and interpreted. It characterizes meanings and interrelationships of concepts “symbol”, “culture”, “stereotype”, given that the purpose of the study is to analyze symbol as a stereotyped phenomenon in culture. The theoretical foundations of the research are based on the works of scientists, including N. Arutiunova, V. Holovei, T. Hrushevytska, S. Dolesko, I. Zhyvitska, E. Cassirer, V. Karpov, M. Kocherhan, Yu. Kulish, S. Langer, C. Levi-Strauss, O. Potebnia, K. Svasian, C. Jung ets. Scientific novelty. Despite high level of elaboration of the issue of symbol in culture, the article considers symbol for the first time subject to development of culture and art in Ukraine in recent years, with reference to historical retrospective of the issue – concept “symbol” is explained using a substantive analysis of a number of art products and social initiatives. Results. In this study it was clarified that the existence of stereotyped symbols in the Ukrainian culture has positive and negative sides, which is proven by the analysis of movies, video clips, exhibitions of fine and decorative art, festival movements and charity initiatives. It has been established that spread of such symbols (elements of traditional costume and people’s way of life, phytomorphic symbols, etc.) is currently massive and occurs in virtually all spheres of life of a modern person. It has been determined that the system of symbols formed under the influence of the development of the nation serves as the basis for the formation of stereotypes that shape the perception of culture.


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How to Cite

Dolesko С. В., Kozachok Є. С., & Yurchenko М. В. (2023). SYMBOL AS A STEREOTYPED PHENOMENON OF MODERN UKRAINIAN CULTURE. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (6), 22–31.


