
  • Olena Mishchenko
  • Ilona Dorohan
  • Nataliia Мelnyk



vytynanka, handicrafts, decorative and applied art, ceramics, Ukraine, artistic textiles.


The purpose of the article is to reveal the modern trends of decorative and applied art in Ukraine. The relevance of the research topic is due to the growing attention to modern Ukrainian art and the formation of the identity of Ukrainian art in the period of globalization. The work defines the essence of the concept of «decorative and applied art». Its main directions are characterized. Features of Ukrainian decorative and applied art are described. The peculiarities of ceramic production at the modern stage are disclosed. The main artists of this direction are listed and their contribution to the development of decorative and applied art is characterized. The main trends in the production of artistic ceramic products are analyzed. The main themes of works on ceramics are characterized. The features of hutnarstvo at the modern stage are described. The main artists of this direction are listed and their contribution to the development of decorative and applied art is characterized. The main trends in the production of tempered glass products have been determined. The essence of the combination of such materials as glass and metal, glass and fiber, glass and foil, glass and enamel is considered. The main topics of works from glass are characterized. The main features of the development of artistic textiles at the modern stage are analyzed. The main trends in the production of art textile products have been determined. The main artists of this direction are listed and their contribution to the development of decorative and applied art is characterized. Such forms of presentation of artistic textile products as installations and ensembles are considered. The main features of vytinanka as a decorative and applied art at the modern stage are revealed. The peculiarities of the combination of tree and cross motifs during carving have been determined. The main artists of this direction are listed and their contribution to the development of decorative and applied art is characterized. Such trends as the use of openwork cutting, exposure without frames, and the use of long strips of white paper are described. The results of the research are summarized. Prospective research directions of this topic have been determined.


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How to Cite

Mishchenko О. В., Dorohan І. В., & Мelnyk Н. В. (2023). CURRENT TRENDS OF DECORATIVE AND APPLIED ARTS IN UKRAINE. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (4), 64–69.


