
  • Olga Galchynska
  • Olesya Borodiy
  • Natalya Pshinka
  • Kateryna Serbinova



design, color, decoration, educational materials, publications for children.


The aim of the article is to study the meaning of color and the features of its application for visualization of educational information in the design layouts of educational publications for children 3-6 years old. Manuals for children, created by modern Ukrainian and foreign designers, are considered, their comparative analysis is carried out, various methods of using color in external and internal design, illustrations, décor, schemes, symbols, font highlights, headings etc. are revealed. An original approach to the design of specific samples of manuals depending on the subject, author’s style, pedagogical methods, methodological content and educational goals is noted; the characteristics of color solutions and techniques are systematized. An assessment of the designers’ choice of colors was carried out, paying attention to such aspects as brightness, contrast, tone and symbolic connotations inherent in each author, as well as taking into account the peculiarities of perception and recognition of colors by children of different ages, as evidenced by the works of child psychologists and practicing teachers analyzed by us, as well as compliance with qualilogical, health-preserving requirements for printed products. Thus, the emphasis is placed not only on the aesthetic aspect of using color to create an attractive visual image of the manual, which is important for the development of aesthetic feelings and creative abilities, but also on the purely functional, practical value of color solutions to facilitate children to perform specific tasks, memorize, assimilate educational material, and develop intellectual skills. Through observations, careful analysis, the aspects of improvement, modernization of educational publications for preschoolers and young students through the competent use of color to create vivid visual images, structuring the text and extra-textual elements, maximum visualization of educational material is carried out.The results of the study of the use of color are important for the development of new design projects, the search for techniques for modernizing and aestheticizing textbooks, strengthening their functionality and effectiveness.


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How to Cite

Galchynska О. С., Borodiy О. В., Pshinka Н. М., & Serbinova К. О. (2023). COLOR IN THE DESIGN OF EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS FOR CHILDREN 3–6 YEARS OLD. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (4), 11–21.


