
  • Kateryna Tsyhykalo



sculpture, National Academy of Fine Art and Architecture, independence, style, tradition


The aim of the article is to explore the creative approaches of sculptors from the late 1990s to the early 21st century, identify the peculiarities of their artistic endeavors, draw parallels between the achievements of individual sculptors, and discern common and distinctive features in the work of authors from the Kyiv School of Sculpture. Methodology. The research process involved the application of the following methods: art analysis, analysis of theoretical prerequisites for the development of artistic ideas through the examination of specific works; synthesis, generalization, and systematization of obtained information; biographical method; methods of induction, deduction, and comparative analysis. Results. It is important to note that Ukrainian sculpture enters a phase of pluralism in terms of forms and concepts in the new era, but traditional sculpture as a form of visual art remains dominant. Sculptors engage in experiments at both conceptual and material levels. Among the traditional materials of sculpture, new ones emerge, such as polymers, and examples of eco-sculptures like those by the Zіhura brothers can be mentioned, who utilized discarded plastic bottles in one of their projects. New three-dimensional art forms and installations arise alongside traditional sculpture forms, pursued by both sculptors and artists educated in other art disciplines such as graphics, painting, and scenography. This blurring of boundaries between art forms is a significant characteristic of contemporary visual art, where an artist’s professional background and education become less important than finding the most fitting means to express the conceived concept. Scientific Novelty. The research’s scientific novelty lies in identifying the explorations and experiments, distinctive features in the works of young sculptors from the Kyiv School within the context of the development of Ukrainian art in recent decades. Practical Significance. The article defines the peculiarities of the creative method of sculptors from the Kyiv School from the late 1990s to the early 21st century.


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How to Cite

Tsyhykalo К. О. (2023). CREATIVE EXPLORATIONS OF ARTISTS FROM THE KYIV SCHOOL OF SCULPTURE IN THE LATE 1990S TO THE 2000S. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (3), 99–106.


