
  • Anna Bilyk
  • Olena Chepelyuk



internet meme, art meme, remix, remixing, digital culture


Internet memetics is the topic studied by many scientists in this country and overseas. Despite the widespread use of memes in mass culture, a scientific understanding of this phenomenon has not been developed yet. Most of the publications are aimed at studying the nature of memes and their functioning on the Internet. However, creation of memes based on works of art in digital culture has not been duly addressed by researchers. The purpose of this publication was to clarify the role of borrowing in the process of creating art memes based on works of art. Methodology. At various stages of the research the authors employed the following set of scientific methods: terminological method for analyzing the concepts and terms applied; phenomenological; and historical-descriptive method. The contextual-analytical method contributes to the well-grounded interpretation of the issues under investigation. The article is based on the principles of systemic and cultural analysis. The results. Modern designers often borrow works of art when creating memes. This is how art memes become popular in today’s digital culture. Well-known works of art are selected as a tool of imaging, thus political, militarypolitical, environmental, social and welfare problems are raised. Humor is an immanent constituent of memes, so it is not a mere coincidence that famous works of art undergo transformation, in particular, remixing. Remixing is based on a playful approach to the original text, and it should not be equaled with compilation and plagiarism. Use of classical works of art in digital culture, firstly, introduces the viewer to the history of art, at least providing some information in this way and urging to learn a cultural tradition. Secondly, the pathos of academicism serves for mass culture as the basis to implement parodic and ironic intentions of a modern author. Scientific novelty. The research has touched upon the problem of creating art memes through the consistent artistic practice of remixing, as one of the leading problems in modern digital culture. Practical significance. The research findings have conceptual implications for further understanding of the role of remixing in memes creating. The obtained results can be used by soft-ware developers and designers to improve software programs making them simple and easy to learn, which generally stimulates development and interest in memes as a cultural phenomenon.


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How to Cite

Bilyk А. А., & Chepelyuk О. В. (2023). BORROWINGS AS AN ARTISTIC AND TECHNICAL DEVICE OF ART MEMES CREATION. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (2), 14–20.


