
  • Viacheslav Boiko
  • Anna Sviatnenko



Ukrainian carpet making, folk art, regional features


Purpose of Research: to make an attempt to reveal the richness and variety of artistic forms of the Ukrainian carpet, to show its great stylistic diversity in different ethnographic regions of Ukraine. The research methodology is based on the application of a systematic approach in the study of the outlined problems and a set of the following methods: art history, cultural, comparative, historical, analytical. Scientific Novelty lies in the extended characteristics of local differences in the ornamental and compositional motifs of carpets in Ukrainian regions; analysis of the classification and typology of Ukrainian carpet-making, attention is focused on the peculiarities of the evolution of Ukrainian carpet-making art, the circle of the most used ornamental motifs, colors characteristic of regional centers of Ukrainian carpet-making is outlined. Conclusions. Folk carpet making is a bright page in the history of the development of Ukrainian folk art. It has gone through a long, centuries-long evolutionary path, developed its own characteristic face recognized throughout the world. But in each locality, according to the geographical location, despite common performance techniques, technological techniques, it has specific features. The floral carpets of the Kyiv region and the Left Bank have extremely luxurious plant patterns, are distinguished by compositional variety and exquisite color. Admirably decorative vase-type carpets of Eastern Podillia. The colorful carpets of Western Podillia and the Carpathian region impress with the ingenuity and perfection of their geometric motifs. Unique, highly artistic carpets of Bukovyna, Volyn, Zakarpattia. All this wealth belongs to the best achievements of Ukrainian decorative and applied art of the past. Colorful carpets of inestimable value are evidence of the talent and perfection of the masters, proof that the spirit of beauty is eternally present in the people, and found its embodiment, including, in weaving.


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How to Cite

Boiko В. І., & Sviatnenko А. В. (2022). REGIONAL FEATURES OF UKRAINIAN CARPET MAKING: A RETROSPECTIVE ASPECT. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (6), 13–20.


