
  • Yuliya Тarasenko



knowledge of art, intrinsic motivation, education, development by art, influence, art criticism practices.


One of the most important topics in art history remains the issue of motivating people to learn about art and the ability to encourage or arouse the desire to join the knowledge of art to a wide audience. Today’s information society provides an opportunity to analyze how powerful the system of knowledge in the field of art history is. The question of art practices and their impact on the development of emotional, intellectual and creative potential of the individual remains important. There is insufficient research on this issue in relation to the internal motivation of modern man to learn about art in the scientific field. This is mostly the case for research related to motivation in the pedagogical field in the teaching of schoolchildren or students. In the field of pedagogy, the problem of motivation was dealt with by В. Dodonov, A. Kolot, S. Serikov. However, in terms of motivating a wide audience, such research is lacking. This led to the analysis and research of this topic, to identify factors influencing the intrinsic motivation of people to learn about art, to analyze the results of the survey on what motivated participants to participate in artistic activities and track the effects of artistic knowledge. A survey of 50 participants was conducted to determine the motivational component of learning about art. The applied value of artistic knowledge for a wide audience is analyzed. Theories that can influence the formation of a person’s internal motivation to learn about art have been studied. The formation of intrinsic motivation to learn about art depends on various factors, among the main – the presence of a prerequisite for the formation of interest, understanding of the usefulness and practical application of artistic knowledge, regardless of type or profession. Also, an important factor for increasing motivation is to substantiate the importance of artistic knowledge as a tool for personal development and the possibility of transferring a person from a deficient state to a resource state.


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How to Cite

Тarasenko Ю. М. (2022). INTERNAL MOTIVATION OF THE INDIVIDUAL TO LEARN ABOUT ART. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (1), 40–51.


